
Monday, July 13, 2020


  Just as a cautionary tale, twelve squash plants may be a few to many. That is a single day's harvest. I am going to have to find a food pantry that will take home produce.

Pic from our ride on Saturday.


 So opinionated.

Part 2 of the facelift in my kitchen.
I am doing it in segments so as not to complete overwhelm myself.

In the evening, once the shade has covered the patio, I let Boo out to explore.
She really wants to play in the garden, but I really need Maya to protect her from the Cooper's Hawk living in the tree directly above the garden.

She loves being outside.

She also loves Maya, but sometimes she doesn't want to put her head in Maya's mouth.

 Drill Team practice

 Noosh, the largest animal in the group, with the slowest walk, is in the middle.
Ernie wasn't as happy to be in the group or on the very outside.

 Shuffled to put Ernie on the inside.
Kat, on the outside, has a huge walk, so she was happy.


  1. I just noticed that you were back ! Thank you I enjoy reading your blogs.

  2. I love the kitty and dog friendship, and drill team, how fun! Tried that in group lesson one time for fun, it’s hard!

  3. That looks like a good weekend. FYI, you can peel the squash, cut it into cubes and blanche it and then freeze it for later.

    1. I have 18 jars of canned squash already. I can't freeze anything because my food storage needs to be able to survive loss of electricity. :)


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