
Saturday, January 5, 2019

FF: Medial Suspensory

Not sure if it’s a splint or a medial suspensory injury.
Slight swelling, no heat, some tenderness, no lameness

Teach me to say he’s been sound. We had a funny step at the end of a canter half-pass in our lesson on Wednesday night where I thought he might have caught a front shoe with a hind foot, but his shoes were still on. We shall see what it looks like today. Going by the vet this morning to pick up Surpass and then we will do rest for a couple of weeks and see what happens. If it isn’t resolved by then, I will do an ultra sound.

At least its during the winter when laying off is easier to handle then during show season. 


  1. Fingers crossed it's not a suspensory :/

  2. Oh no! At least this is the best time to be on rest if it's required.


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