
Monday, September 24, 2018

September B-Rated Show: Speed Round

All I can say about this is that he struggled to maintain form and cross cantered a couple of times. I let him do him, figuring it would minimize the stress and pain on his left hind leg.

First thing on Monday morning, I called the vet and scheduled injections for his left hock while I was in Germany. That happened on Friday morning. We will see if that makes a difference in his movement.

We finished up the show and ate lunch, then went to load the horse and discovered about a hundred yellow jackets had set up house in the horse trailer. We ended up having to drive it around to the house and then J sprayed the shit out of the inside of it with Raid hornet spray. She got stung, but Ashke was able to load without any issues and rode home safely. It was the last straw on that day.

On the Monday after, I flew to Berlin.


  1. I am sorry that seems to be struggling. And the yellow jackets would be a final straw! Hope you had/are having fun in Germany.

  2. He does look uncomfortable, I hope you figure it out. Your showing is very impressive though!

    And you said Berlin…so I have an 80s song "Road Movie To Berlin" by They Might Be Giants stuck in my head now. Thanks!


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