
Tuesday, December 19, 2017


I have certainly not been riding as much as I would like to, but there have been extenuating circumstances. Star Wars, The Last Jedi, two separate showings, for one. Loved it and may do a blog on it at some point down the road. Lot's of shopping, with an amazing story to share about my Solstice gift, which hopefully will make it here tomorrow (but I can't open it until the 25th, so the story will have to wait). Super busy at work, so hard to find the energy to write when I do have the time, and nothing to share until I'm actually riding again. We are supposed to be in a cold freeze this weekend, so no trail riding and probably limited ride time over my five day weekend. We might get J and T to the slopes this weekend, so that will be fun. Pitch Perfect 3 is on my list, as well as another adventure into the Star Wars Universe. (The Mountain Between Us - great movie BTW).

I did get an opportunity to ride last night and got a short video of our sidepass. One of the comments this summer on one of my tests, was that we needed to be more straight in the sidepass (although I've been told many times to do it in a half pass position at an angle.) In watching this video, I think we need a bit more angle to allow him to cross his hinds, which he's not very good at already. That step over across the other leg is difficult for him. We will keep working the leg yields and half-pass though, because we aren't quitters.

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