
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Take Two

N and I braved the weather, the cold wind, the very up horses to ride the Fairmount trail today. We made it home just before the rain and snow came. The second group from the barn didn't make it all the way around - they turned around at the frisbee golf field. At the point it got cold it was just as short to go forward as it was to turn back.

The really good part of today was the fact that N seems to have recovered from our ride yesterday and is already talking about the next time we try that trail. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!  Her husband, J, has offered to ride his mountain bike up and down the trail in front of us to 1) drive away any snakes, and 2) kick the ass of any mountain bikers who are being stupid with the horses.

We saw a coyote today, by Tucker Lake, but I was moving too slow to get a picture. Ashke was really, really up and I mostly focused on making him listen and keeping his head lower. We had a couple of moments where I was not really in control. I really need to work on the canter in the arena for the next two weeks so that the next time we ride out I feel like he understands what I want and will listen to my cue to not do his dead ass run.

Faster pace today, which isn't a surprise, given it was mostly flat.

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